He's a new way of spreading spam in Facebook, i.e. URL cloaking or URL shortening tool user. Spam Tiny URL is indeed able to shorten the name of the web and hide the name of the asi of sites that want published (affiliate marketing). However, The some of them like http: tinyurl.com/xxxxxxxxxx or in http: bit.LY, according to observers of the technology, Budi Raharjo, do not access the URL though accompanied interesting sentence.
"The danger, if The URL that is linked to a porn site or an application replace the keyword false. Other dangers, the spreaders of spam It can also steal the keywords or try the access your email users. Sometimes, many communities It stores important data in the email. If the password stolen, our own loss. The best way to
stop it is you need to log out of Facebook and change the password of Facebook, "said Budi.
Other tricks to prevent spam is to see the Preview Featured on the left and then access thewritings ' click here to enable previews', it is to see the link hidden by the Tiny URL.
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